What is Total Network Operations?

The era of cowboy network operations is over. It’s time to start building documented, manageable, and secure networks.

The theory behind total network operations is that you can move from "just make it work" cowboy networking to a well-documented, highly-automated, more secure networks.

Improvement happens day-by-day by implementing the TNOPS framework. You can start with any portion of your network and move onto any other portion of your network. TNOPS is not all or nothing. You can start with a small portion of your network and improve each month in a measurable and provable way. While perfection is not attainable, it is approachable.


  • You remove concentrated points of failure by getting the knowledge of your network out of your head and into a highly-usable set of documentation that anyone in your organization can read

  • Greatly improve your network’s resilience by being able to rebuild any part of your network from scratch anytime

  • Improve the security of your network by removing hardcoded information and have as-built architecture information available for audit and review.

  • You'll have the ability to onboard new staff at any time and give them deep knowledge of your network

Ready to learn more? Sign up below and your will receive the current TNOPS whitepaper and you will be one of the first to learn when the TNOPS Field Guide is released