Who is TNOPs?

TNOPs was concerived by Scott Robohn, one of the founders of the Networking Automation Forum (NAF), and one of the plumbers who built some of the largest networks in the world.

Through a career at Cisco, Juniper, and Nokia working with Federal customers and tier-1 carriers, Scott has seen the good bad and the ugly of how networks are really built, documented (sometimes) and managed.

TNOPs is a framework to allow you bring all the good things in DevOps to all you to do a better job building and managing your network.

TNOPs co-founder(?) James Dirksen was first thrown in the lions den of secure networking when his first boss (Scott Robohn, see above) told him he was now the network adminstrator for clasified “secret” DoD networks in the Pentagon. At the time James did not own a computer, but was armed with a very useful Biochem degree. What could go wrong.

Since then James as worked at multiple cyber security start-up which have then been sold to Fortune 1000 companies, been an “Entrepreneur in Residence” on DARPA intellectual property transition projects, and founded and ran Solutional which incubates SaaS companies from ideation through fundraising, development, and MVP.